Year 12 Maths Methods Revision Package

Maths Methods Video Tutorials

Learn any topic rapidly with short videos that cover exactly what the student needs to know

Revise an entire term in 30 minutes of detailed videos, plus practise questions

Over 300+ Exam Questions divided up into 20 topics PLUS topic tests

Over 300+ Exam Questions & Solutions

The videos are fantastic!

They are probably the only thing that helped me pass my methods end of year exam.

G.M - Student

300+ Basic Practise Questions

Two ways to use these tutorials

1) Watch a short tutorial on the topic that they are currently struggling with.

Their time is limited and they might just need to understand one vital topic. Each video tutorial is designed to fill the gaps that they didn’t even know they had and are laid out logically so that they can easily find what they are looking for.


2) Spend 5 minutes a week to keep ahead of the class

Watching as little as 5 minutes a week will help prepare students for their upcoming classes. Learning the basics beforehand helps them become more focused at school and pick up the pieces of information they would have otherwise missed.

As little as 5 minutes per week!

Highly qualified educator

Degrees in Mathematics/Astrophysics,

10 years of experience in education

Specialises in teaching VCE Maths Methods

How useful are these Maths Methods video tutorials?

This is what they will receive:

Full access to these video tutorials until December 31st, 2025

2.5 hours of video tutorials that cover every major topic in Maths Methods

Over 300+ practice questions with complete step-by-step solutions 

300+ Exam-Style questions with complete step-by-step solutions 

LIMITED TIME BONUS: FREE Digital Bound Reference (Maths Methods Overview V1.0) 

24/7 access on any device with an internet connection


Scroll down below for the full list of tutorials

Teachers, Parents and Students love these tutorials

Dr. Taylor, Teacher

Dr. Taylor, Head of Mathematics

"I was thrilled to see the videos that Alex Bell put together, they are informative, highly visual and super engaging! They offer students who can’t access the content an alternate entry point, while also being valuable for more capable students who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the ideas behind the skills they are carrying out."

RUTH, Student

“This has made life so much better!

Thanks so much, seriously this has made life so much better! The amount of people I have recommended the program to is crazy. I found it so helpful and so did they!"

Mubin, Student

“93% in both my methods exams!

Hey Alex, I went pretty well! Averaged around 85-90% throughout the year and got 93% in both my methods exams at the end of the year! This overview definitely helped when making end of year notes and reference book :D

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List of all lessons in this package!

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 Term 2  Maths Methods Online Workshop

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