Maths Methods Overview Version 2.0
Get the perfect 90-page Bound Reference full of colourful diagrams and notes delivered to your door step. We piloted this Bound Reference last year with a school which had 89 Methods students and it was the first year ever that every single student passed. So releasing it to general public is a big deal... Why is it so effective? A bound reference is personal, and a student needs to be very familiar with it otherwise it’s useless during and Exam or Test. Our Bound Reference serves as an Overview for the entire year with plenty of space for students to add information which is most relevant for them. It contains the simplest explanations you’ll ever see for Maths Methods and is incredibly easy to navigate. It can be hard to know where to start, but with this Bound Reference you will have the perfect template to refer to time and time again. Copies are typically delivered within 3 weeks (or only about 5 days will express delivery), so get in quick so you can walk into the Exam with every possible advantage.
The Ultimate Bound Reference...
Full Colour Diagrams
Each diagram is beautifully laid out and colour coded so you can instantly understand what is written.

Space for All Your Notes
Each page has plenty of space to add your own notes or stick in extra pages and diagrams to make it your own.

Rapidly Find Anything
There are multiple contents pages so that you can rapidly find exactly anything to save time in tests and exams.

Written by Alex Bell (BA, BSc)
Alex is the founder of and has degrees in Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University. Along with over 6 years experience teaching a broad range of topics both Nationally and Internationally, he rewrote the year 12 Maths Methods textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds.

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