FREE Video Course for Year 10 Maths
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The real course explains it in much more detail. This sample has been cut down to give you an idea of how each topic is explained.
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Created by an expert!
Alex is the creator of, one of the most popular maths websites in Australia.
In the last 10 years he has helped over 70,000 students and teachers.
Having degrees in numerous fields, including Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University, he re-wrote the Maths textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds.

Seriously this has made life so much better!
Thanks so much, seriously this has made life so much better! (Maths) is hard but I’m slowly getting through!! Thank you so much though, you should be proud of yourself.
Ruth // Maths Student
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More from Alex's students...
“Everything was awesome,
learnt a lot from today. It was very good and very worth my time. I loved how the terminology was easy to understand and it made perfect sense to things which were difficult beforehand. Also, Alex’s energy was awesome.”
Ricardo , Maths Student
“The explanations were quick and clear
but at the same time went into enough detail to get a good understanding.
Samantha, Maths Student
“Time well spent.
Now feel more comfortable with concepts. Will be able to excel in class.
Maddy, Maths Student
“Highly recommend it to others.
I would highly recommend it to others. I have learnt new techniques and gained a better understanding of what to expect in Maths.
Logan, Maths Student
“This helped me out a lot!
I understand the basics of the concepts now, and I am ready to start term 2. This really helps with my SACs and will help with the end of year exams.
Joshua, Maths Student
“Easy to comprehend
Very informative and ties up loose ends which I couldn’t understand by myself. Easy to remember certain things as you give us hints and clues.
Ariane, Maths Student