5 Things You Need to Know about Maths Methods

Get the free digital book to be well informed about Maths Methods! Plus a heap of other free resources to give to your son or daughter.


I stumbled upon your free '5 Things You Need To Know About Math Methods' e-book on Facebook. And I would just like to thank you for creating this because I found it very helpful.


I found your suggestions very down-to-earth & I will share them with my daughter who is doing Maths Methods.

Learn all of this!

  • Learn how to avoid the biggest mistakes made by students and parents
  • Learn what Maths Methods covers in simple terms that anyone can understand
  • Discover the specific way in which Maths Methods should be studied, different to other subjects
  • Help figure out whether they should study Maths Methods or not (you'll be surprised by this)
  • And much more in just 17 pages!

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Written by an expert!

Alex Bell is the creator of MathsMethods.com.au, the most popular Maths Methods website in Australia.

In the last 10 years he has helped over 70,000 students, parents and teachers in Maths Methods, all around Australia!

Having degrees in numerous fields, including Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University, he re-wrote the Maths textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds. 

Plus heaps of resources to give your son or daughter!

Summary sheets, video tutorials, exam questions with worked solutions and more! Here's just a sample...

Get the book and heaps of other free resources!

Seriously this has made life so much better! 

Thanks so much, seriously this has made life so much better! Methods is hard but Iā€™m slowly getting through!! Thank you so much though, you should be proud of yourself.

Ruth  //  Maths Methods Student

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