Term 1 Workbook for Year 12
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Why is this book so good?
The two common issues that I hear from students are:
1) They can’t do the questions in the textbook
2) Their tests are way more difficult than what they studied!
...and the reason is for both of these is that the textbook teaches HOW to answer a question without explaining WHY and therefore students are missing a big piece of the puzzle. On top of this, it doesn't even contain questions which are similar to their tests!
When a students answers the basic textbook questions, he thinks he understands the topic even if he has no idea what is going on. By looking at the answers or the worked examples, he memorises how to answer the question – but he cannot answer worded questions very easily.
A worded question demands understanding, most other questions do not. This is why you’ll often have a student who proclaims he understands all the content but struggle with application questions.
This Workbook is designed help students understand how to solve questions and contains plenty of exam-style questions to prepare them for their tests. It contains multiple-choice, short-answer and extended-response questions (all based on real exams) so that the students practices problems which are relevant.
This means this is far superior to any textbook. Even failing students have used this Workbook to achieve an average of 70% or higher.
Click below to obtain a solid foundation so that you can focus more effectively in class, reduce the amount of time you need to spend on study and have access to worded questions which will prepare you for your exams.
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Inside the book:
Focus on Understanding
Unlike anything else! These questions focus on understanding not just memorisation.

Fully-Worked Solutions
Every question has a answer and a step-by-step solutions.

Exam-Style Questions
Heaps of tough extended response questions with fully worked solutions based on real exams.

Covers All Term 1 Topics...
Written by Alex Bell (BA, BSc)
Alex is the founder of MathsMethods.com.au and has degrees in Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University. Along with over 6 years experience teaching a broad range of topics both Nationally and Internationally, he rewrote the year 12 Maths Methods textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds.

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