Rapidly Learn & Revise Methods
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A Study Guide Like No Other...
Easy to Read
The layout is logical, interesting, colourful and easy to read. It was designed by an artist, not just a Mathematician.

The Basic Fundamentals
Contains the fundamentals they need to know so that students know exactly what they are studying.

Step-by-Step Instructions
Step by step instructions are included so that students understand the how and the why.

Seriously this has made life so much better!
Thanks so much, seriously this has made life so much better! Methods is hard but I’m slowly getting through!! Thank you so much though, you should be proud of yourself.
Ruth // Maths Methods Student
The Maths Methods Overview
The Ultimate Maths Methods Overview is a study and revision tool designed to help students focus and understand the key concepts. It is the perfect companion to the classroom and textbook because it helps students get the most vital information and will even teach them things that they won’t find anywhere else. It truly is a remarkable resource and is dramatically under-priced. You can order now for a fraction of its value($24.99, worth $39) and receive your digital copy within 24 hours.
Written by Alex Bell (BA, BSc)
Alex is the founder of MathsMethods.com.au and has degrees in Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University. Along with over 6 years experience teaching a broad range of topics both Nationally and Internationally, he rewrote the year 12 Maths Methods textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds.

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Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: What is a "Maths Methods Overview"?
ANSWER: It's somewhere between a textbook and a cheat sheet. The 81 page overview covers all the essential topics that Maths Methods students need to know but without any of the fluff. It's easy to navigate and will help them make sense of seemingly endless information in the textbook and the classroom.
After thousands of hours of research, teaching and tutoring students in Maths Methods we've documented how students learn and revise most effectively and used this to create "The Ultimate Maths Methods Overview."
QUESTION: Is there a guarantee?
ANSWER: Yep…all our products have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you're even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either find this a fantastic resource you can't live without or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
QUESTION: Why $24.99?
ANSWER: Yes, $24.99 is dramatically underpriced but we have good reason for this:
1. We are not trying to make a profit. Our goal is to get it into the hands of every Methods student. We want all students to have a simple, easy to use resource and we're only selling it for enough to cover our marketing costs.
2. We want it to be affordable for everyone. We created this product for every student, no matter what their financial situation is.
3. We also believe that once you use this Maths Methods Overview, you'll want other tuition services off us. But even if you don't, we're glad we've helped.
But that's it.
No fine print. Just a high quality Overview to help students get the results they deserve.
QUESTION: How long will it take to receive it?
ANSWER: You'll download it instantly after your purchase!