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Here is what others think of them:

Seriously this has made life so much better! 

Thanks so much, seriously this has made life so much better! Methods is hard but I’m slowly getting through!! Thank you so much though, you should be proud of yourself.

Ruth  //  Maths Methods Student

Highly visual and super engaging! 

I was thrilled to see the videos that Alex Bell put together, they are informative, highly visual and super engaging! They offer students who can’t access the content an alternate entry point, while also being valuable for more capable students who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the ideas behind the skills they are carrying out.

Dr. Wendy Taylor  //  Head of Maths Bentleigh Secondary

Written by Alex Bell (BA, BSc)

Alex is the founder of and has degrees in Mathematics and Astrophysics from Monash University. Along with over 6 years experience teaching a broad range of topics both Nationally and Internationally, he rewrote the year 12 Maths Methods textbook and boasts a broad range of success stories from students with a variety of backgrounds. Here are some things his private students have said:

Methods Videos Lessons!
